Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chapter 2

"The idea of trying and still failing- of leaving yourself without excuses- is the worst fear within the fixed mindset."  In particular, this quote stood out to me because I notice this behavior in the classroom.  I think of the student who makes excuses for not doing a homework assignment, or the student who immediately says "I'm going to fail" before even attempting an assessment.  How do we change these mindsets?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Chapter 2

On small section that I found interesting was, " As a New York Times article points out, failure has been transformed from and action (I failed) to an identity (I am a failure)."

Monday, November 3, 2014

Chapter 1

Dweck says, "... as you begin to understand the fixed and growth mindsets, you will see exactly how one thing leads to another-- how a belief that your qualities are carved in stone leads to a host of thoughts and actions, and how a belief that your qualities can be cultivated leads to a host of different thoughts and actions..."    What connections can you make to this?