Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Interesting article that reminded me of mindset

I was reading in a sports illustrated recently about an NBA franchise that just recently was the best team in the regular season, Golden State Warriors for those basketball fans.  Well last year they were also good for the first time in forever, think Buffalo Bills of basketball.  Well a curious thing happened in the off season, they fired their coach that had just made them relevant again and at time I couldn't see why they would do something like that.  After reading this recent story I found out.  Apparently even though the coach was successful he also had a fixed mindset.  He was afraid to hired successful assistant coaches because he didn't want to seem inferior.  He also had a practice of pitting players against each other to gain their loyalty to him.  It seemed like it was right out of a chapter of the book.  Meanwhile it talked about the new coach this year that hired the best defensive assistant and another well known offensive minded assistant and guess what he impowered them to make his team better instead of being nervous about not being the sole reason for success.  He also asked for player feedback and met individually with players to become better at his craft.  In the end the team had the best regular season record this year and is favored to win the title this year.  So even though they were successful last year someone must have had the vision to see that the previous coach was fixed and eventually would implode.  Very cool article and gives me a team to root for in the playoffs this year!  Go Steve Kerr and the Warriors!  Maybe I will bring it to class if anyone is interested.

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